Hello, Ignorance!

When thinking about life in general, I always go back to this idea of choices. Every day we have the ability to choose. Even getting out of bed in the morning is a choice. What kind of a partner do you want in your life? What career do you see yourself in? Do you drive the freeway or the side streets?  Do you choose to have a salad for dinner, or eat the 10oz. steak? An endless amount of choices that lead us all down different roads of life. This was my way of thinking along with many other blissfully ignorant people.

I had just recently turned 28 years old. I knew I wanted to help others, so I chose to work hard and was able to earn my Master’s degree in Psychology. I paved my own road, on my own terms. I chose to celebrate being done with school by taking a trip to Europe alone with some money I had saved up. When I came back from my trip I was ready to make my mark on the world right alongside all of my classmates. I was so young, eager, and excited.

I can remember the night that I got a single phone call that would change my life forever. Nothing can prepare someone for these moments. The nurse had left me a voicemail to call back as soon as possible. She had told me that my blood work had come back and that my counts were all extremely low. She then rattled off a bunch of numbers and she said she was shocked that I was still walking around. “You need to see a Hematologist Specialist right away.”

I had no clue that the bruises I had been getting in that summer of 2014 meant that something was wrong. I had thought that I just had low iron. My body was numb. My mind was slow, yet running so fast at the same time. I had so many questions; they never made it out of my mouth. My voice shook and stuttered as I asked “What does this all mean?” She calmly said “We don’t know yet, but you need to be seen right away.”

I was busy planning out my career, and blazing my own path. Everything was changed from that phone call on. When you are asked to dance, most of us are afforded the right to say “no thanks, I’d rather not.” Or you can choose to say “yes, I’d like that.” The devil came up to me and did not ask me if I would like to dance. This thing grabbed me, took its grip. It’s name was Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) and Aplastic Anemia (AA). What now? I had wanted to take a Left onto the street named ‘starting up my career’, now in a blink, non of that mattered…..


14 thoughts on “Hello, Ignorance!”

    1. Thank you Cindy for being with me on this road! You are a GEM, and thanks for reading! More to come very soon!

  1. Sarah,

    I am so glad you “found your voice!” Every time you tell part of your story, someone is empowered by it. I will look forward to more of your updates. I will let you know the next time I am in Minnesota. Stay strong, Beautiful Lady!!!

    1. Diane, Thank you so much for reading!!! I have found this to be so therapeutic, and am so pleased to be reaching others as well. I miss you my friend, and yes, please do let me know when you take a visit to MN. Much Love!

      1. Thank you, Joe. It’s taken me a long time to actually get all of this out in writing! Very therapeutic process, as I’m sure you know.

  2. Nicely written. I’ve seen your fight and can see how resilient of a person you are. Always keep me on your radar remember to keep your garbage disposal on for an extra 10 seconds until the chunks go down the drain.

    1. Thank you so much, John! Of course you will be on my radar! You have taught me so much over these last few years of our friendship!! LOL that garbage disposal line seems like a metaphor! Thanks for your continued wisdom dear brother!!! So blessed to always have you in my corner!

  3. I’m so sorry this happened to you! Life
    threw you a curveball that’s for sure. Stay strong and keep on keeping on. Beautifully written! God bless you!! 💕

    1. Thank you for reading, Shellie!!! I’m blessed to know you and have you as a great friend in my life! You take care of you!!

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