LOVE Conquers In Times Of Uncertainty

I was watching The Today Show yesterday and Hoda Kotb said something that resonated with me. ‘Share your gift to the world right now’. ‘Whatever that might be, just put your gift out there for the world to receive.’ I believe that one of my gifts that I can put into the world is my writing, and telling my story. With the COVID-19 crisis currently in the spotlight, so many things of day to day life for us all are rapidly changing. So many of the things that the world is now facing, a chronically ill person has been dealing with WELL before the Coronavirus.

Right now you may be:

  1. Uncertain, scared, or worried about the future
  2. Feeling you have no control over what is happening (when you are used to having control)
  3. Feeling the Emotional Effects of Social Distancing/Self-Quarantine (loneliness, depression, anxiety)
  4. Experiencing Lack of Employment or Reduced Hours which could lead to financial hardship
  5. Experiencing Travel Restrictions
  6. Experiencing Changes in your Relationships due to Social Distancing
  7. Having a heightened awareness of Cleanliness/Hygiene

Honestly, many of us who are living with a chronic illness are faced with these challenges on a regular basis. There were many days during and after my treatments that I was unable to go out of the house because I wasn’t feeling well. Almost every day, I think to myself things like: How am I supposed to make enough money to move out of my mother’s house? If I don’t feel well, how can I work full time? What about my student loan debt that I can’t pay off? Will I find a partner who will love all of me? (I will write about relationships and diagnosis in a later post!)  I have many days of uncertainty!

With all of this being said, in any state of crisis we have the ability to see and do some amazing acts of KINDNESS and LOVE. When I was going through my rounds of initial treatment, I remember those who surrounded me. I felt the love when I was scared and helpless. It has kept me alive. If I did not have that, I don’t think I would be here. I hope Everyone is able to stay safe & healthy. Share your LOVE & for the Love of God Share your Toilet Paper!!!