A Letter To You

Dear ______________ ,

Please know that sometimes I do not want to talk about my health.

Please know that even if I appear to be doing well, still check in with me.

Allow me to feel and express to you whatever feelings I may be having.

Please know that if you have questions about my diagnoses, Ask me!

Talk to me about how you are feeling, don’t worry I can take it!

Please do not introduce me as your “cancer friend.” I will decide who I share my story with, not you.

Please know that you are not exempt from getting a serious condition yourself. It can happen to you just as easily as it happened to me.

Please do not compare me with your cousin, aunt, sister, or other person you may know with a similar health problem. Each person’s story is different.

I am aware that when I am out in public I often times do not “Look Sick,” but you don’t see me on my worst days.

Sometimes when you tell me that I look well or beautiful, I still hesitate in disbelief.

Please do not pity me, I can see it in your eyes. I am stronger than you will ever know.

I know that you want me to have a positive attitude, but please know that I will not ALWAYS be positive. And you know what? It’s reality to have other feelings. Please validate my experience.

Please know that I will not settle down with a man who can “just take care of me.” And No, I will not be with someone because of their insurance plan or wealth. This is insulting. I will find love again when I am supposed to.

Some days I will just be too exhausted to go out. Please know that I still want you to ask me and include me in things.

Please know that having something physical, is also very much mental.

Yes, I do see a mental health therapist, and please know that there is nothing wrong with it or shameful about it.

I know that I have a long road ahead, so please know that I still need you in my life and wouldn’t have gotten this far without you.

Your actions and words do not go unnoticed by me. I see them, and I see you.

Do You See Me…?